Sales Management

Register vessels with AI assistant
Foreign currency sales management with currency analyst
Integration with the Civil Registration System for passenger verification
Add agency-specific PID
Full version of AirPlus Hub with AI assistant
Integrated online ticket/hotel/accommodation purchase system
Commitment sales capability
Dynamic report generator
Comprehensive information display for accommodations/airports/airlines
Integration of passenger information in AirPlus
Bulk data entry via file upload
Comprehensive Sales and Tourism Services Platform

Dedicated website for introduction and sales with AI assistant
Multilingual sales website
Partner access panel with dedicated management on the sales website
Custom UI/UX design
Android and iOS mobile app for product sales
Content creation capability (corporate magazine) and dedicated pages with special SEO panel
Custom payment page
Integration with personal gateways and financial credit gateways (loans)
Integration with AirPlus content assistant Telegram bot
Optimized content request system to improve search engine ranking
Wallet with credit transfer capability
Discounts and special coupons panel for passengers
Product price calendar
Notify me when available feature
Buy when available feature

Charter Management

Charter system (tour, hotel, ticket, services) with AI assistant
Intelligent charter analysis and management system
Ability to offer charters on the AirPlus Hub and partner sales systems
Intelligent charter management dashboard (live display)
Seat selection and accommodation/transportation plan
Catering and cafe selection capability
Price analysis and AI-based price suggestion
Tiered pricing

Financial Management

Advanced accounting with AI assistant
Foreign currency cash and settlement
Payroll accounting
Tax administration system
Custom and advanced financial reports
Preparation of financial statements, balance sheets, and profit and loss statements
Check and installment management
Bank and sales reconciliation system
Daily and monthly general ledger issuance
Commitment sales document management
Invoice and proforma invoice issuance
Preparation of seasonal purchase/sale files and VAT with integration to the tax administration system
Default agency accounting coding
Rial and foreign currency treasury
Asset accounting
Dynamic report generator
Ability to apply financial commitment and supply restrictions
Online account and check status inquiry

Live exchange rate and gold transfer price display

Marketing and Passenger Monitoring

Complete travel marketing package with AI analyst and assistant
Passenger analysis based on age, gender, etc.
Marketing and advertising campaign management system
Design and production request system for banners, videos, and advertising materials
Administrative Management

Correspondence and secretariat system (letter writing, leave, etc.)
360-degree survey and employee evaluation system with AI analyst
Attendance system with app/connection to physical devices
Project management system (reminder planner)
Smart calendar with integration to project management and secretariat systems
Personnel performance analysis system
Personnel management panel with specific access levels

AirPlus Academy and Educational Platform

AirPlus online educational academy
Issuance of valid educational certificates
Conducting tourism industry exams
Ability to create custom courses for the organization
Holding educational workshops
Support and Other Services

VIP support and real-time ticketing system with less than 1-hour response time
Dedicated organizational email system
VOIP system for network phones
Feature and special module updates (lottery, immigration panel, etc.)

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